Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Why You Need To Try Eco Printing

Eco what?

A lot of people might ask that, but it simply means you have the good of Mother Nature in mind each time you print a document. With all the trash we generate each day, and with all the harm we are inflicting to our environment, it is about time we do our share -- no matter how small it is -- in taking care of it.

Surprise, surprise! You can do your bit even while working in your office. How cool is that? If your office is still printing out your documents (and not merely saving them as digital files to conserve paper and ink), then eco-friendly printing is your best bet.

Still not convinced? Discover some of the facts and figures about climate change.

Fact no. 1: Over the 20th century, the average global temperature increased by 1 degree Celsius.

Fact no. 2: Deforestation is accountable for the 15% of the total carbon emissions. (The more paper we use, the more trees are needed to be cut).

Fact no. 3: More species are getting more endangered and probably might go extinct because of adverse changes in our climate and environment.

Fact no. 4: Stronger hurricane, more devastating storms and typhoons other weather phenomena are caused by climate change.

Fact no. 5: The main contributor to climate change are people. Yes, it is us who does more harm to our planet.

As they always say, we only have one planet Earth so it is our duty to protect it. You can be a hero for Mother Nature by doing simple things like recycling, using less fossil fuel, and through eco-friendly printing.

Not sure how you can do it? Here are a few simple tips I got from a document I found online. 

Do you want additional printing tips? Just click here for more information.